Friday, July 24, 2015

How to Publish User Productivity Kit (UPK) Contents via IIS

Author:-Sanjay Purohit
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to publish recorded using Player Package publishing format via IIS

how To                                              
Steps to publish UPK recorded contents:-
·         Select the recorded Module/Selection/Topic.
·         Go to File->Publish
·         Provide the location where you want to store the recording.
·         Select the option whether you want to publish entire outline or selection only.
·         Select appropriate option from publish content wizard.
·         The publishing in progress and you should see the progress.
·         Open IIS
·         Right click on the web site being used (Default Web Site) and select Add Virtual Directory
·         Under Alias, give the virtual directory a name (preferably one word only) and for the Physical Path, navigate to the location of your Player Package folder which you moved to the server
·         Test its access by right-clicking the virtual directory you created and selecting the bottom most option (Switch to Content View)
·         Right click on the Index.html file and select browse

Select the recorded Module/Selection/Topic. 

  Provide the location where you want to store the recording.

 Select the option whether you want to publish entire outline or selection only. 

 Select appropriate option from publish content wizard.

  Publishing progress can be seen here

Go to IIS and right click on the web site being used (Default Web Site) and select Add Virtual Directory

  Under Alias, give the virtual directory a name (preferably one word only) and for the Physical
Path, navigate to the location of your Player Package folder which you moved to the server 
Test its access by right-clicking the virtual directory you created and selecting the bottom most option (Switch to Content View)
 Right click on the Index.html file and select browse

  URL is ready to view online. :-

Important Notes to consider:-Make sure ASP.NET, Basic Authentication  and Windows Authentication are installed in your server. Also ensure the player package folder has the following security
USERS group
·         I had some issue with security therefore I had to share the folder with everybody

Related URL

UPK: How To Access UPK Published Content from the Intranet? (Doc ID 1904674.1)

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