Friday, January 16, 2015

Syncing Business Rules With Planning Application

Author:-Sanjay Purohit

There is a time when developer creates business rules and no longer needed or business rules are delete from calculation manger but are still visible in planning application.  I get many calls from client regarding planning and calculation manger business rule syncing issues therefore I am posting the article.

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to delete business rules from planning application which are already deleted from calculation manger and how to sync renamed business rules with planning application.

·         Newly create business rules are not visible in planning application :-> Business rules are created in calculation manger but are not visible in planning application.  On the below given image you can see  business rule are visible in calculation manger but are not in planning application

The business rule are not visible in Vision Planning application


We will sync business rules from calculation manger and rule will visible in planning application. To sync business rule you would need to Login to Calculation manger by navigating to Navigate > Administer > Calculation Manager.
Make sure you are In System View, and select planning application -> right-click -> Deploy.
Make sure you are deploying at application level not at the plan type level.

After deploying the rules should be visible to planning application

The same theory applies to
·         When business rule are renamed and new name should be push to planning application.
·         When business rules are delete from Calculation Manger and but still visible in Planning.
·         Newly created business rules are not visible in planning application. 

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