Friday, April 18, 2014

Changing Default FDMEE Password

Author: - Sanjay Purohit

 Audience:  Hyperion Solution Architects and Hyperion Techno-functional

Oracle acquired Sunopsis in October 2006 and is improving the product (ODI) day by day; however, the foundation of the product remains the same. The one surprising fact is the default login name and password of ODI. The default login name is SUPERVISOR and password is SUNOPSIS. Oracle engineering could not change it and I really don’t understand the logic as to why. Now the ODI is integrated, or you could say, it is a part of FDMEE on EPM suites. Oracle engineering has done a tremendous amount of work to build a bridge between ODI and FDMEE. The configuration process of FDMEE creates master and work repositories and deploys an agent to web logic domain. The process of creating master/work repositories and web-logic agent is pretty simple.  The EPM configuration process also creates a default login name and password and guess what?!!  The default login name is SUPERVISOR and password is SUNOPSIS. The purpose of this document is to change the default password of ODI configured with FDMEE. Changing the password is a two-step process.

  • The first step is to change the password from ODI console.
  •  The second step is to change the password from Enterprise Manager.
We will cover both of these areas in this post. The First Step is:-
1.       Changing the default password from ODI console:
                                                               i.      Login to ODI console by  Program>Oracle Data Integrator>ODI Studio
                                                             ii.      Click on Connect to Repository and login with Default login name and password
                                                           iii.      Default login name = SUPERVISOR and password is SUNOPSIS  
                                                           iv.      Go to Security Tab>Double click on users “SUPERVISOR”
                                                             v.      Click  “Change Password “ 
                                                           vi.      Enter new password and Click on “OK”

Step-By-Step instructions to change password from ODI studio:
  i.      Login to ODI console by  Program>Oracle Data Integrator>ODI Studio

  Click on Connect to Repository and login with Default login name and password

                                                                  Go to Security Tab>Double click on users “SUPERVISOR”

                                     Click  “ Change Password “

                                                 Enter new password and click Okay.

1.       Changing password from Web-logic/Enterprise Manager:

     i.  Login to Enterprise Manager by URL  http://ServerName:7001/em/

     ii.  Click on Farm_EPMSystem>WebLogic Domain>EPMSystem.
   iii.  You must highlight EPMSystem>Right click and then>Security>Credentials.
    iv.  Highlight SUPERVISIOR>click on Edit and enter your new password.
      v.     Enter new password and save.
     vi.  Log to Hyperion Workspace and click on “Check ODI Connection”

·         Step-By-Step instructions to change password from Enterprise Manager:  
                                                      i.            Login to Enterprise Manager by URL  http://ServerName:7001/em/

                                                Click on Farm_EPMSystem>WebLogic Domain>EPMSystem.
  You must highlight EPMSystem>Right click and then>Security>Credentials

  Highlight SUPERVISIOR>click on Edit and enter your new password.

  Enter new password and save and you are DONE 

  Log to Hyperion Workspace and click on “Check ODI Connection”

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