Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hyperion-EPM Installation error On RedHat Linux (6.5)

Author:-Sanjay Purohit
Audience:  Hyperion Solution Architects and Hyperion Database Administrator
Oracle has done a great job to package all the EPM installation files. The EPM installation is pretty smooth and work well. I personally have not seen any issue with installer but this time I had to install Hyperion on RedHat-6.5. As per the certification matrix Red Hat EL 6 (UL1+) is certified to install EPM. The UL1+ refers the version update of operating system. By seeing the certification matrix I assume that 6.5 is also certified. However Oracle policy and EPM support matrix contains the following information:

“OS Version: Red Hat EL 6 (UL1+)
A plus sign (+) after a version number indicates that this and all higher versions at that decimal level are certified. Oracle's Backward Compatibility Policy: Oracle acknowledges and supports the backward compatibility assertions for platform software as provided by its vendor. Therefore when vendors assert backward compatibility, subsequent maintenance releases and service packs may be used. If an incompatibility is identified, Oracle will specify a patch release on which EPM System should be deployed (and remove the incompatible version from the supported matrix) or provide a maintenance release or service fix to the EPM System product software. “(Source-Oracle documentation)


If we convert Oracle statement in simple English, Oracle assume that Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 can do what Red Hat EL 6 (UL1) is able to do. If Red Hat Linux 6.5 stops supporting a feature that was supported in Red Hat EL 6 (UL1), there could be some issues.  I assume Oracle has never tested EPM installer with RedHat-6.5.

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the issue and fix of EPM installer on Red Hat 6.5. I will not clam this as a fix but its workaround to pass the installer error. After making a small change on /etc folder. You should be able to install Hyperion components.

how To
If you are running installer on Red Hat (6.5). You would get following error. I am not sure what is RedHat-Red and how the installer is picking it up.

After spending few hours I figured out that installer is picking up operating system name from /etc/redhat-release file. The original file contains the name of operating system. The secret of Red is still unknown to me.

I just replaced the entire line to “6” and I was able to run the EPM installer with no error.

Related blogs and URLs

EPM Installation and configuration changes

EPM Installation and configuration guide.

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