Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How to Identify Employee and Positions with Missing Allocations with Public Sector Planning and Budgeting Application

Initial Draft:-Tejas Patel                                                                  Review & Updated By:-Sanjay Purohit

Audience: Hyperion Solution Architects, Functional Lead and Hyperion Business users
Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgeting (PSPB) application comes with three prebuilt configuration options.

Employee Only: - This model is used to track and budget/compensation by employees who are assigned to various jobs and benefits.

Position Only: - This modes is used to tack and budget/compensation by positions. The compensation amount will be based on overall FTE and benefits.

Employee and Position: - Most commonly used model by municipal and state governments. This model tracks budget by employee with assigned position and benefits.

Any configuration model can be selected based on organizations need.  Oracle has spent good amount of money and time to come up with PSPB design and options. All three modules are loaded with prebuilt business rules and data forms; and should meet most of the requirements out of box but we don’t live in perfect word and each client has specific needs which require customization. I personally don’t like to customize HCP at all.


The purpose of this article is to identity positions and employee in PSPB application with missing allocations. Hyperion Public Sector Planning calculates position and employee compensation on various factors such as salary grades, hours and FTEs.  The final compensation numbers are pushed to LineItem plan type. The assigned segments determine how the cost should be allocation across segments. The right amount should go to right bucket in General Ledger (GL).  Checking allocation of each position and employee is tedious process with current pre-built HCP functionality.  I am going to demonstrate; how to build a data form to identify the missing allocation by departments/entities. We will cover two modules “position” and “Employee and Position” module. I personally have expertise with both.


Employee and Position Module/Configuration: - Design a data form with following member combinations. This should provide the position/employee with missing allocation.  This data form pulls all the position and employee associated with entity. Each position has a start date and should have allocation start date.  Missing start date denotes missing allocations.

Position Only Module/Configuration: - Design a data from with following member combinations. This should provide the position with missing allocations. I have placed entity on rows to see all the entities once. This could cause planning crash. You also can place entity on pages items to be on safe boat.  

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